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Two girls named Madhumitha and Varsha went to Ooty for vacation with friends, but tragedy struck when armed men entered their hotel room and killed them. The friends discovered the gruesome scene and called the police. As the investigation unfolded, it was revealed that the deaths were linked to ...

Listed by Christopher Joshua 1 month ago

Ben James happily lived in harmony with his family. His wife and two daughters. He had moved to LA for a job transition. On his new arrival from Chicago he fell into a midlife when he was fired from his job. Unaware to his wife he kept it unexposed. The hide and seek game was over when Ben's wife...

Listed by Tuaka Castro 4 years ago
Freight Train

Freight Train, an up and coming fictionalized rock and roll band tries to rise to the top of the music industry on the West Coast during the turbulent mid-to-late 1960's. In addition to facing the usual roadblocks of life on the road, the band unknowingly harbors several dark secrets including un...

Listed by brian dongelewic 2 years ago
The Mighty and Powerful Nelson Fire

Nelson Christopher Amador is 16 old from Seattle, WA and he had a really privileged childhood as a boy, But when Nelson was little, his parents were killed by a criminal name Arthur Denherd and Nelson becomes a foster a child and he lives with a very wealthy family The Donavons and Nelson moves t...

Listed by Nelson Christian Amador 6 years ago
The Engineer

The Engineer is about an electrical/mechanical engineer, Steve (Jake Gyllenhaal) graduated top of his class at a U.S University. He is a meek and humble unassuming man and a brilliant student and a math wizard. He learned AutoCAD in less than three days. After graduating from electrical engineeri...

Listed by Mariano B. Tagayun 1 year ago
La Carrera de Texas \ The Texas Run

After a botched bank heist, twelve perfect strangers must make their way across the entire state of Texas in order to cross into Mexico for sanctuary. However, as they make their own treks, they begin dying off one by one all the while being pursued by a legendary Texas Ranger and every cop in th...

Listed by Dyaln Russell Richardson 1 year ago
My Dark Dreams

My Dark Dreams is about a detective who is on a case of a serial killer, but when the serial killer turns out to be a warlock werewolf. The detective finds himself in looking for how in more, ways than one as he sat out and discovers friends and family that he didn't even know he had.

Listed by Tony Clements 6 years ago
The Future of Earth

The Future of Earth: A campy sci-fi movies in the vein of the 1980’s movie “Invasion from Mars.” Space aliens arrive to earth with a mission, collect human souls and cause the destruction of the planet. They are assisted by American Republicans and terrorists. Who just want to be in charge no mat...

Listed by Van Williams 1 year ago
The Talent

The Talent is an action packed page turner that tells the story of a phenomenally gifted football player whose determination to win on the field might cause him to lose everything, including his life.

Listed by Lesley Manuel (Carter) 6 years ago
Listed by Natalie Schwartz 3 years ago

Discuss these marketplace scripts for sale with the community:

  • zunai
    my girl story the sad story
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Jay Rastik
    Jay Rastik
    I like The Talent and My Dark Dreams. I'm a new filmmaker, writing a script right now. I want to get a budget together for a web series. looking for guidance and people to work with.
    LikeReply 24 years ago
    • STANDS4
      Good luck, Jay! Thanks for your feedback...
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • benjamindiana
      What's the web series about?
      LikeReply1 year ago

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“The new Scripts.com marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for writers, and the potential to sell scripts for development.”

Patricia Kaehler, Ohio USA