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Alex Michael Dobrescu, a purehearted kid from Romania goes through life same as everybody else, only to discover later in life, that he is the One True Creator of universes.

Listed by Alexandru-Mihai Dobrescu 10 months ago
The Talent

The Talent is an action packed page turner that tells the story of a phenomenally gifted football player whose determination to win on the field might cause him to lose everything, including his life.

Listed by Lesley Manuel (Carter) 6 years ago
The Mighty and Powerful Nelson Fire

Nelson Christopher Amador is 16 old from Seattle, WA and he had a really privileged childhood as a boy, But when Nelson was little, his parents were killed by a criminal name Arthur Denherd and Nelson becomes a foster a child and he lives with a very wealthy family The Donavons and Nelson moves t...

Listed by Nelson Christian Amador 6 years ago
One called movie

One called Movie talking about small child living in poor family And decorate the small house from the inside as if he lived in a virtual world and put on earphones so that the daily quarrels between his father and mother due to need and poverty were not heard, and from here began the story of h...

Listed by Bader alshahri 3 years ago
Proyecto Evolucion

Nick es un joven que acostumbra a vivir su vida al extremo, y al seguir el amor, empieza uno de sus más grandes aventuras por el mundo, sin embargo, en el momento que encuentra su verdadera razón de vivir, también empieza el proyecto más grande que cambiaría la vida en decadencia de este plan...

Listed by Ernesto Alonso Marquez Perez 5 years ago
The Sleepwalker

Norway, nineteen eighty-four. In the Jade Forest Hospital Facility, a new state-of-the-art hospital, a group of insomniac patients opt for a new medical experiment trial with a drug to help them sleep. However, as they fall asleep, they are unknowingly hunted down by an unseen force. They become ...

Listed by Matt Taylor 1 year ago

Logline: A young journalist scoops everyone by getting to write the biography of a famous billionaire recluse. But as she goes through his family history, she find his connection to Mount Shasta's legends may be deadly. Synopsis: A pretty, young journalist, Natalie, whose boyfriend is a star NF...

Listed by Thomas Wolke 2 years ago
Listed by Emma Shaw 1 year ago
Wish Granting Factory

A runaway teenager, dreaming of changing some event in his past, which he believes, ruined his life, accidentally gets to the Wish Granting Factory and makes his wish fulfilled. Consequences lead to unexpected results.

Listed by Olena Chepurna 6 months ago
Dearest Mother

Tanya a small time model with a mental illness who experiences romance, drama, abuse, infidelity, and death of a loved one.

Listed by Cheyenne Kersey 3 years ago

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    “The new Scripts.com marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for writers, and the potential to sell scripts for development.”

    Patricia Kaehler, Ohio USA