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Listed by Emma Shaw 1 year ago
La Carrera de Texas \ The Texas Run

After a botched bank heist, twelve perfect strangers must make their way across the entire state of Texas in order to cross into Mexico for sanctuary. However, as they make their own treks, they begin dying off one by one all the while being pursued by a legendary Texas Ranger and every cop in th...

Listed by Dyaln Russell Richardson 1 year ago
The Mighty and Powerful Nelson Fire

Nelson Christopher Amador is 16 old from Seattle, WA and he had a really privileged childhood as a boy, But when Nelson was little, his parents were killed by a criminal name Arthur Denherd and Nelson becomes a foster a child and he lives with a very wealthy family The Donavons and Nelson moves t...

Listed by Nelson Christian Amador 6 years ago

Dr. Will almost at the end of his career wants to carry out an experiment called 'Placebo' which means to cure without medicaments. He made an agreement with some businessmen to build a hospital/prison to treat prisoners who are addicted to different drugs, everything starts to go smoot...

Listed by Ajet Bejiq 6 months ago
Dearest Mother

Tanya a small time model with a mental illness who experiences romance, drama, abuse, infidelity, and death of a loved one.

Listed by Cheyenne Kersey 3 years ago
What we Fear Alone

A teenager eagerly spends a night away from her parents, but she can't shake the feeling that something is in the darkness behind her. The short film is from three different perspectives. One from the teenager, one from the darkness, and one from the "fear". It's hard to distinguish b...

Listed by Christopher Pittman 1 year ago

Young "Dirty" Harry Callahan is at the beginning of his police career. His tactics and no-nonsense approach make his style controversial yet effective.

Listed by Derrick Painter 2 years ago
One called movie

One called Movie talking about small child living in poor family And decorate the small house from the inside as if he lived in a virtual world and put on earphones so that the daily quarrels between his father and mother due to need and poverty were not heard, and from here began the story of h...

Listed by Bader alshahri 3 years ago

Seneca Aurora the noble Peace Knight of watches over his Country Arcet. Set 3 billion years into the future people are born new with evolution of Cyborg A.I. abilities with amazing god like capableness of super human strengths. The New world lives off an Nomadic society system of evolving over ea...

Listed by Jordan C Lee 6 years ago

Two girls named Madhumitha and Varsha went to Ooty for vacation with friends, but tragedy struck when armed men entered their hotel room and killed them. The friends discovered the gruesome scene and called the police. As the investigation unfolded, it was revealed that the deaths were linked to ...

Listed by Christopher Joshua 1 month ago

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    “The new Scripts.com marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for writers, and the potential to sell scripts for development.”

    Patricia Kaehler, Ohio USA