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The Mighty and Powerful Nelson Fire

Nelson Christopher Amador is 16 old from Seattle, WA and he had a really privileged childhood as a boy, But when Nelson was little, his parents were killed by a criminal name Arthur Denherd and Nelson becomes a foster a child and he lives with a very wealthy family The Donavons and Nelson moves t...

Listed by Nelson Christian Amador 6 years ago
The Engineer

The Engineer is about an electrical/mechanical engineer, Steve (Jake Gyllenhaal) graduated top of his class at a U.S University. He is a meek and humble unassuming man and a brilliant student and a math wizard. He learned AutoCAD in less than three days. After graduating from electrical engineeri...

Listed by Mariano B. Tagayun 1 year ago
Love on the Run

Matthew was paranoid. Zoey was quirky. Someone is chasing them for what they think they know. It just got weirder.

Listed by Eric Lawson 2 years ago
One called movie

One called Movie talking about small child living in poor family And decorate the small house from the inside as if he lived in a virtual world and put on earphones so that the daily quarrels between his father and mother due to need and poverty were not heard, and from here began the story of h...

Listed by Bader alshahri 3 years ago
Vase el rey

Set during the Roman invasion of Sicily the script involves a saramagoian discussion of native/invasion themes. Current news items of migrant issues and the responsibility of freedom are enveloped in a surrealist fantasy in which the will of the Sicilian god is quixotically manifested.

Listed by Benjamin Diana 1 year ago
Re-Making America

New States & New City / County boundaries, New Military, New Police, Fire, EMS, and a New USA of North America. USA to revamp our entire system so our country can improve our overall efficiency, economically, militarily, geographically, and socially.

Listed by COLONEL RAY COUGHENOUR 2 years ago
The Talent

The Talent is an action packed page turner that tells the story of a phenomenally gifted football player whose determination to win on the field might cause him to lose everything, including his life.

Listed by Lesley Manuel (Carter) 6 years ago
Charles Muley, A Therapist's journal

This is a story about a hated psychotherapist. named Charles Muley. The character writes his own journal then puts it into a novel if he isn't hired into his second job. You can categorize this as a contemporary genre. It dives into his various clients in his work. Different aspects of mental hea...

Listed by Ian Rodrigo Carrillo Castro 2 years ago
The Future of Earth

The Future of Earth: A campy sci-fi movies in the vein of the 1980’s movie “Invasion from Mars.” Space aliens arrive to earth with a mission, collect human souls and cause the destruction of the planet. They are assisted by American Republicans and terrorists. Who just want to be in charge no mat...

Listed by Van Williams 1 year ago
Lost and Found Love "The Stories Never Told"

True love can never fade away, the memories may turn gray, but it forever holds a significant place in our hearts. Lost and Found Love- The Stories Never Told, is a masterpiece written by author Clarence Alvin Harris. This story portrays a group of friends and events that changed their lives dra...

Listed by Clarence A Harris 11 months ago

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    “The new Scripts.com marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for writers, and the potential to sell scripts for development.”

    Patricia Kaehler, Ohio USA